> Call it what you will. April 26 2013
Honey mojito. Derby drink. Honeybee cocktail.
No matter what you call it, it's time for hats, races, drinks, wicker chairs and front porches. (If you're like us, the creaking wicker chairs on the porch dare you to see if they can make it one more year.)
With the upcoming Iroquois Steeplechase on May 11 here in the outskirts of Nashville, we're reminded of a fun, easy drink that can be made one at a time or in a pitcher.
Here's the recipe:
1 oz TruBee Honey simple syrup*
1 oz fresh squeezed lime juice
2 to 3 fresh mint leaves
1-1/2 oz light rum
4 oz soda water
Mix honey simple syrup, mint leaves and a splash of soda water in a glass. Use muddler or spoon to lightly press mint leaves and blend the flavors. Squeeze two halves of lime into the glass, leaving one in the mixture. Add rum, stir and fill glass with ice. Top with soda water, garnish with mint … put on your hat and place your bets.
*Honey simple syrup: Four parts TruBee Honey to 1 part hot water in a saucepan. Heat gently and simmer until honey is dissolved. Store in a glass jar or other container at room temperature.